Excel Formulas Generator

Generated Formula:

Excel Formulas

Welcome to the Excel Formulas Generator! This tool helps you generate Excel formulas based on your requirements. Simply enter the name of the formula you need, and click the "Generate Formula" button to see the corresponding Excel formula.

Below are some examples of formula names you can enter:

Explanation of each of the formulas you mentioned and how they work in Excel:

  1. SUM: Calculates the sum of a range of cells.

    • Example: =SUM(A1:A5)
    • This formula adds up the values in cells A1 to A5 and returns the total sum.
  2. AVERAGE: Calculates the average of a range of cells.

    • Example: =AVERAGE(B1:B10)
    • This formula calculates the average value of the numbers in cells B1 to B10.
  3. COUNT: Counts the number of cells in a range that contains numbers.

    • Example: =COUNT(C1:C8)
    • This formula counts the number of cells in the range C1 to C8 that contain numeric values.
  4. MAX: Returns the largest value in a range of cells.

    • Example: =MAX(D1:D7)
    • This formula returns the maximum value from the range D1 to D7.
  5. MIN: Returns the smallest value in a range of cells.

    • Example: =MIN(E1:E6)
    • This formula returns the minimum value from the range E1 to E6.
  6. IF: Performs a logical test and returns different values based on the result.

    • Example: =IF(F1 > 10, "Greater than 10", "Less than or equal to 10")
    • This formula checks if the value in cell F1 is greater than 10. If true, it returns "Greater than 10"; otherwise, it returns "Less than or equal to 10".
  7. VLOOKUP: Searches for a value in the leftmost column of a table and returns a value in the same row from a specified column.

    • Example: =VLOOKUP(G1, A1:B10, 2, FALSE)
    • This formula searches for the value in cell G1 in the leftmost column of the range A1 to B10. It returns the corresponding value from the second column (column B) of the matched row.
  8. INDEX-MATCH: Similar to VLOOKUP, it searches for a value in a table based on a given criteria using the INDEX and MATCH functions.

    • Example: =INDEX(B1:B10, MATCH(G1, A1:A10, 0))
    • This formula searches for the value in cell G1 in the range A1 to A10. It returns the corresponding value from the range B1 to B10 using the MATCH function to find the matching row.
  9. CONCATENATE: Combines text from multiple cells into one cell.

    • Example: =CONCATENATE(A1, " ", B1)
    • This formula concatenates the text in cell A1, a space, and the text in cell B1 into a single cell.
  10. LEFT: Extracts a specified number of characters from the beginning of a cell.

    • Example: =LEFT(C1, 3)
    • This formula extracts the first 3 characters from cell C1.
  11. RIGHT: Extracts a specified number of characters from the end of a cell.

    • Example: =RIGHT(D1, 4)
    • This formula extracts the last 4 characters from cell D1.
  12. MID: Extracts a specified number of characters from the middle of a cell.

    • Example: =MID(E1, 3, 5)
    • This formula extracts 5 characters from cell E1, starting from the 3rd character.
  13. TRIM: Removes leading and trailing spaces from text.

    • Example: =TRIM(F1)
    • This formula removes any leading or trailing spaces from the text in cell F1.
  14. ROUND: Rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places.

    • Example: =ROUND(G1, 2)
    • This formula rounds the value in cell G1 to 2 decimal places.
  15. COUNTIF: Counts the number of cells that meet a specific criterion.

    • Example: =COUNTIF(H1:H10, ">50")
    • This formula counts the number of cells in the range H1 to H10 that are greater than 50.
  16. SUMIF: Adds the cells that meet a specific criterion.

    • Example: =SUMIF(I1:I10, ">10")
    • This formula adds up the values in the range I1 to I10 that are greater than 10.
  17. AVERAGEIF: Calculates the average of cells that meet a specific criterion.

    • Example: =AVERAGEIF(J1:J8, "<50")
    • This formula calculates the average of the values in the range J1 to J8 that are less than 50.
  18. SUMPRODUCT: Multiplies corresponding components in the given arrays and returns the sum of those products.

    • Example: =SUMPRODUCT(K1:K5, L1:L5)
    • This formula multiplies each value in the ranges K1 to K5 and L1 to L5 together and returns the sum of those products.
  19. DATE: Creates a date by specifying the year, month, and day.

    • Example: =DATE(2023, 6, 15)
    • This formula creates a date with the year 2023, month 6, and day 15.
  20. NETWORKDAYS: Calculates the number of working days between two dates, excluding weekends and specified holidays.

    • Example: =NETWORKDAYS(M1, N1, O1:O5)
    • This formula calculates the number of working days between the dates in cells M1 and N1, excluding weekends and the dates listed in the range O1 to O5.

These formulas are powerful tools in Excel for performing various calculations, data manipulation, and conditional operations. They can greatly enhance productivity and automate repetitive tasks in spreadsheet applications.

Excel Formulas Generator
The Power Of Excel Fourmula Generator.

Excel Formulas: A Comprehensive Guide to Boost Your Productivity

Introduction: Excel is a powerful tool that has revolutionized data analysis and calculation tasks across various industries. At the heart of Excel's capabilities lies its formulas. These formulas enable users to perform complex calculations, manipulate data, and automate repetitive tasks with ease. In this article, we will explore the world of Excel formulas and delve into their incredible potential for boosting productivity.

Section 1: Understanding Excel Formulas Excel formulas are structured expressions that combine functions, operators, and cell references to perform calculations. By understanding their basic structure, users can harness the full potential of Excel's computational capabilities. We will explain the significance of cell references and the importance of using proper syntax and operators within formulas.

Section 2: Essential Excel Formulas for Beginners For those new to Excel formulas, we will cover fundamental formulas that form the building blocks of data analysis. We will explore formulas such as SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, and more. With clear explanations and practical examples, beginners will grasp the essential concepts and confidently apply these formulas in their daily tasks.

Section 3: Intermediate Excel Formulas for Data Analysis Moving beyond the basics, we will dive into intermediate-level Excel formulas that are crucial for data analysis. VLOOKUP, INDEX-MATCH, and SUMPRODUCT are powerful tools for retrieving and manipulating data efficiently. Through real-world scenarios and examples, users will understand how to leverage these formulas to extract valuable insights from their datasets.

Section 4: Advanced Excel Formulas for Complex Calculations In this section, we will explore advanced Excel formulas that can handle complex calculations and conditional logic. The IF function, nested functions, and array formulas open up a world of possibilities for automating intricate calculations. With step-by-step examples and explanations, users will gain confidence in implementing these advanced formulas.

Section 5: Tips and Tricks for Excel Formulas To further enhance productivity, we will share valuable tips and tricks for working with Excel formulas. Error handling techniques and troubleshooting common formula errors will be discussed, ensuring users can identify and rectify issues efficiently. Additionally, we will introduce time-saving keyboard shortcuts and highlight Excel functions that complement formula usage.

Section 6: Resources for Learning Excel Formulas Learning Excel formulas is an ongoing process, and we will provide readers with a list of reputable online tutorials, courses, and resources for further exploration. We will include links to Excel formula documentation and community forums where users can seek support and guidance. Furthermore, we will recommend books and websites that offer in-depth knowledge on Excel formulas.

Conclusion: Excel formulas are indispensable tools for anyone working with data. By mastering these formulas, users can unlock the full potential of Excel and significantly enhance their productivity. We have explored the importance of Excel formulas, from their basic structure to advanced techniques. By implementing the tips and resources provided, readers can embark on a journey towards becoming proficient Excel formula users. Embrace the power of Excel formulas and witness the transformation in your data analysis capabilities.

What is Difference Between VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP

VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP are both Excel formulas used to retrieve data from tables. The main difference between the two is the orientation of the lookup table.

VLOOKUP (Vertical Lookup):

Example of VLOOKUP usage: =VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_range, col_index_number, [range_lookup])

HLOOKUP (Horizontal Lookup):

Example of HLOOKUP usage: =HLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_range, row_index_number, [range_lookup])

Now, which one is best depends on the orientation of your data. Here's a comparison:

VLOOKUP is commonly used when:

HLOOKUP is commonly used when:

In terms of efficiency, VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP are similar. However, it's worth noting that if your table is large or you need to perform multiple lookups, other formulas like INDEX-MATCH or the combination of INDEX and MATCH functions may offer better performance.

To implement VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP in an Excel sheet:

  1. Identify the lookup value you want to search for.
  2. Ensure your table includes the lookup column/row.
  3. Determine the range of the table containing the desired data.
  4. Decide on the column/row index number where the result should be retrieved.
  5. Enter the formula in a cell, providing the required parameters as mentioned earlier.
  6. Adjust the formula as necessary and drag it down/across the cells to apply it to multiple lookup values.

Remember to adjust the column/row index number and table range appropriately based on your specific data arrangement and requirements.

Note: It's recommended to use the INDEX-MATCH combination instead of VLOOKUP or HLOOKUP for more flexibility, better performance, and the ability to handle two-dimensional lookups.



Cell Entry Result
1-Jan-98 TRUE

What Does It Do?

This function examines a cell or calculation to determine whether it is a numeric value.

If the cell or calculation is a numeric value, the result TRUE is shown.

If the cell or calculation is not numeric, or is blank, the result FALSE is shown.



The cell to test can be a cell reference or a calculation.


No special formatting is needed.


The following table was used by a personnel department to lookup the salary of an employee.

The employee can be entered as a Name or as a Numeric value.

The =ISNUMBER() function has been used to identify the type of entry made, and then the =IF() decides which VLOOKUP to perform.

ID No. Name Salary
1 Alan £10,000
2 Eric £12,000
3 Carol £8,000
4 Bob £15,000
5 David £12,000

Type Employee Name or ID: eric

The Salary is: £12,000




Finding a percentage of a value

Initial value % to find Percentage value
120 25% 30

Example 1

A company is about to give its staff a pay rise.

The wages department needs to calculate the increases.

Staff on different grades get different pay rises.

Grade % Rise
A 10%
B 15%
C 20%
Name Grade Old Salary Increase
Alan A £10,000 £1,000
Bob B £20,000 £3,000
Carol C £30,000 £6,000
David B £25,000 £3,750
Elaine C £32,000 £6,400
Frank A £12,000 £1,200

Finding a percentage increase

Initial value % increase Increased value
120 25% 150

Example 2

A company is about to give its staff a pay rise.

The wages department needs to calculate the new salary including the % increase.

Staff on different grades get different pay rises.

Grade % Rise
A 10%
B 15%
C 20%
Name Grade Old Salary Increase
Alan A £10,000 £11,000
Bob B £20,000 £23,000
Carol C £30,000 £36,000
David B £25,000 £28,750
Elaine C £32,000 £38,400
Frank A £12,000 £13,200

Finding one value as a percentage of another

Value A Value B A as % of B
120 60 50%

You will need to format the result as % by using the % button on the toolbar.

Example 3

A manager has been asked to submit budget requirements for next year.

The manager needs to specify what will be required each quarter.

The manager knows what has been spent by each region in the previous year.

By analyzing the past year's spending, the manager hopes to predict what will need to be spent in the next year.

Last year's figures

Region Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
North £9,000 £2,000 £9,000 £7,000
South £7,000 £4,000 £9,000 £5,000
East £2,000 £8,000 £7,000 £3,000
West £8,000 £9,000 £6,000 £5,000
Total £26,000 £23,000 £31,000 £20,000

Last year's Quarters as % of last year's Total

Region Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
North 9% 2% 9% 7%
South 7% 4% 9% 5%
East 2% 8% 7% 3%
West 8% 9% 6% 5%
Total 26% 23% 31% 20%

Next year's budget: £150,000

Next year's estimated budget requirements

Region Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
North £39,000 £34,500 £46,500 £30,000
South £31,500 £27,750 £37,250 £24,000
East £9,000 £7,950 £10,650 £6,900
West £36,000 £31,800 £42,600 £27,600
Total £115,500 £101,000 £137,000 £88,500


Number Absolute Value
10 10 =ABS(C4)
-10 10 =ABS(C5)
1.25 1.25 =ABS(C6)
-1.25 1.25 =ABS(C7)

What Does it Do?

This function calculates the value of a number, irrespective of whether it is positive or negative.


=ABS(CellAddress or Number)


The result will be shown as a number, no special formatting is needed.


The following table was used by a company testing a machine which cuts timber.

The machine needs to cut timber to an exact length.

Three pieces of timber were cut and then measured.

In calculating the difference between the Required Length and the Actual Length it does not matter if the wood was cut too long or short, the measurement needs to be expressed as an absolute value.

Table 1
Test Cut Required Length Actual Length Difference Error Percentage
Test 1 120 120 0 0%
Test 2 120 90 30 25%
Test 3 120 150 -30 -25%

Table 2 shows the same data but using the =ABS() function to correct the calculations.

Table 2
Test Cut Required Length Actual Length Difference Error Percentage
Test 1 120 120 0 0%
Test 2 120 90 30 25%
Test 3 120 150 30 25%


Example Usage
Type a column number: 2
Type a row number: 3
Type a sheet name: Hello
Formula Result
R[3]C[2] =ADDRESS(F4,F3,4,FALSE)
Hello!$B$3 =ADDRESS(F4,F3,1,TRUE,F5)
Hello!B$3 =ADDRESS(F4,F3,2,TRUE,F5)
Hello!$B3 =ADDRESS(F4,F3,3,TRUE,F5)
Hello!B3 =ADDRESS(F4,F3,4,TRUE,F5)

What Does It Do?

This function creates a cell reference as a piece of text, based on a row and column numbers given by the user.

This type of function is used in macros rather than on the actual worksheet.


=ADDRESS(RowNumber, ColNumber, Absolute, A1orR1C1, SheetName)

The SheetName does not actually have to exist.


Items To Test Result
500 800 TRUE =AND(C4>=100,D4>=100)
500 25 FALSE =AND(C5>=100,D5>=100)
25 500 FALSE =AND(C6>=100,D6>=100)
12 TRUE =AND(D7>=1,D7<=52)

What Does It Do?

This function tests two or more conditions to see if they are all true. It can be used to test that a series of numbers meet certain conditions. It can be used to test that a number or a date falls between an upper and lower limit. Normally the AND() function would be used in conjunction with a function such as =IF().


=AND(Test1, Test2)

Note that there can be up to 30 possible tests.


When used by itself it will show TRUE or FALSE.

Example 1

The following example shows a list of examination results. The teacher wants to find the pupils who scored above average in all three exams. The =AND() function has been used to test that each score is above the average. The result of TRUE is shown for pupils who have scored above average in all three exams.

Name Maths English Physics Passed
Alan 80 75 85 TRUE
Bob 50 30 40 FALSE
Carol 60 70 50 FALSE
David 90 85 95 TRUE
Eric 20 30 Absent FALSE
Fred 40 60 80 FALSE
Gail 10 90 80 FALSE
Harry 80 70 60 TRUE
Ian 30 10 20 FALSE
Janice 10 20 30 FALSE
=AND(C38>=AVERAGE($C$29:$C$38), D38>=AVERAGE($D$29:$D$38), E38>=AVERAGE($E$29:$E$38))


47, 54, 60


Pink Name Age
Alan 18
Bob 17
Carol 20
Green Name Age
David 20
Eric 16
Fred 19

What Does It Do?

This function tests a range to determine whether it is a single block of data or whether it is a multiple selection. If it is a single block, the result will be 1. If it is a multiple block, the result will be the number of ranges selected. The function is designed to be used in macros.




The result will be shown as a number.


The example at the top of this page shows two ranges colored pink and green. These ranges have been given the name PeopleLists. The =AREAS(PeopleLists) gives a result of 2, indicating that there are two separate selections that form the PeopleLists range.


To name multiple ranges, the Ctrl key must be used. In the above example, the pink range was selected as normal, then the Ctrl key was held down before selecting the green range. When a Range Name is created, it will consider both Pink and Green as being one range.


Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Average
Temp 30 31 32 29 26 28 27 29 =AVERAGE(D4:J4)
Rain 0 0 0 4 6 3 1 2 =AVERAGE(D5:J5)
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Average
Temp 30 32 29 26 28 27 28.66666667 =AVERAGE(D8:J8)
Rain 0 0 4 6 3 1 2.333333333 =AVERAGE(D9:J9)
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Average
Temp 30 No 32 29 26 28 27 28.66666667 =AVERAGE(D12:J12)
Rain 0 Reading 0 4 6 3 1 2.333333333 =AVERAGE(D13:J13)

What Does It Do?

This function calculates the average from a list of numbers. If the cell is blank or contains text, the cell will not be used in the average calculation. If the cell contains zero (0), the cell will be included in the average calculation.


=AVERAGE(Range1, Range2, Range3... through to Range30)


No special formatting is needed.


To calculate the average of cells that contain text or blanks, use =SUM() to get the total and then divide by the count of the entries using =COUNTA().

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Average
Temp 30 No 32 29 26 28 27 24.57142857 =SUM(D31:J31)/COUNTA(D31:J31)
Rain 0 Reading 0 4 6 3 1 2 =SUM(D32:J32)/COUNTA(D32:J32)
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Average
Temp 30 32 29 26 28 27 28.66666667 =SUM(D35:J35)/COUNTA(D35:J35)
Rain 0 0 4 6 3 1 2.333333333 =SUM(D36:J36)/COUNTA(D36:J36)

Further Usage

Binary Number Decimal Equivalent
0 =BIN2DEC(C4)
1 =BIN2DEC(C5)
10 =BIN2DEC(C6)
11 =BIN2DEC(C7)
111111111 =BIN2DEC(C8)
1111111111 =BIN2DEC(C9)
1111111110 =BIN2DEC(C10)
1111111101 =BIN2DEC(C11)
1000000000 =BIN2DEC(C12)
11111111111 #NUM!

What Does It Do?

This function converts a binary number to decimal. Negative numbers are represented using two's-complement notation.



The binary number has a limit of ten characters.


No special formatting is needed.

CHOOSE Function Examples

Index Value Result
1 =CHOOSE(C4,"Alan","Bob","Carol")
3 =CHOOSE(C5,"Alan","Bob","Carol")
2 =CHOOSE(C6,"Alan","Bob","Carol")
3 =CHOOSE(C7,10%,15%,18%)
1 =CHOOSE(C8,10%,15%,18%)
2 =CHOOSE(C9,10%,15%,18%)


The following table was used to calculate the medals for athletes taking part in a race.

The Time for each athlete is entered.

The =RANK() function calculates the finishing position of each athlete.

The =CHOOSE() then allocates the correct medal.

The =IF() has been used to filter out any positions above 3, as this would cause

the error of #VALUE to appear, due to the fact the =CHOOSE() has only three items in it.

Name Time Position Medal
Alan 1:30 2 =IF(D30<=3,CHOOSE(D30,"Gold","Silver","Bronze"),"unplaced")
Bob 1:15 4 =IF(D31<=3,CHOOSE(D31,"Gold","Silver","Bronze"),"unplaced")
Carol 2:45 1 =IF(D32<=3,CHOOSE(D32,"Gold","Silver","Bronze"),"unplaced")
David 1:05 5 =IF(D33<=3,CHOOSE(D33,"Gold","Silver","Bronze"),"unplaced")
Eric 1:20 3 =IF(D34<=3,CHOOSE(D34,"Gold","Silver","Bronze"),"unplaced")

COMBIN Function Examples

Example 1

This example calculates the possible number of pairs of letters available from the four characters ABCD.

Total Characters Group Size Combinations
4 2 =COMBIN(C4,D4)

The proof!

The four letters: ABCD

Pair 1 Pair 2 Pair 3 Pair 4 Pair 5 Pair 6

Example 2

A decorator is asked to design a colour scheme for a new office.

The decorator is given five colours to work with but can only use three in any scheme.

How many colour schemes can be created?

Available Colours Colours Per Scheme Total Schemes
5 3 =COMBIN(C41,D41)

The colours:

Scheme 1 Scheme 2 Scheme 3 Scheme 4 Scheme 5
Red Red Red Red Red
Green Green Green Blue Blue
Blue Yellow Black Yellow Black
Scheme 6 Scheme 7 Scheme 8 Scheme 9 Scheme 10
Green Green Green Blue ??????
Blue Blue Yellow Yellow
Yellow Black Black Black

CONCATENATE Function Examples

Name 1 Name 2 Concatenated Text
Alan Jones =CONCATENATE(C4,D4)
Bob Williams =CONCATENATE(C5,D5)
Carol Davies =CONCATENATE(C6,D6)
Alan Jones =CONCATENATE(C7," ",D7)
Bob Williams =CONCATENATE(D8,", ",C8)
Carol Davies =CONCATENATE(D9,", ",C9)

Note: You can achieve the same result by using the & operator.

Name 1 Name 2 Concatenated Text
Alan Jones =C25&D25
Bob Williams =C26&D26
Carol Davies =C27&D27
Alan Jones =C28&" "&D28
Bob Williams =D29&", "&C29
Carol Davies =D30&", "&C30

CONVERT Function Examples

Amount To Convert Converting From Converting To Converted Amount
1 in cm =CONVERT(C4,D4,E4)
1 ft m =CONVERT(C5,D5,E5)
1 yd m =CONVERT(C6,D6,E6)
1 yr day =CONVERT(C8,D8,E8)
1 day hr =CONVERT(C9,D9,E9)
1.5 hr mn =CONVERT(C10,D10,E10)
0.5 mn sec =CONVERT(C11,D11,E11)


Category Abbreviation Description
Weight & Mass g Gram
Weight & Mass kg Kilogram
Weight & Mass lbm Pound mass
Weight & Mass ozm Ounce mass
Distance m Meter
Distance mi Statute mile
Distance Nmi Nautical mile
Distance in Inch
Distance ft Foot
Distance yd Yard
Distance ang Angstrom
Distance pica Pica (1/72 in.)
Time yr Year
Time day Day
Time hr Hour
Time mn Minute
Time sec Second
Pressure Pa Pascal
Pressure atm Atmosphere
Pressure mmHg mm of Mercury
Temperature C Degree Celsius
Temperature F Degree Fahrenheit
Temperature K Degree Kelvin
Liquid tsp Teaspoon
Liquid tbs Tablespoon
Liquid oz Fluid ounce
Liquid cup Cup
Liquid pt Pint
Liquid qt Quart
Liquid gal Gallon
Liquid l Liter
Force N Newton
Force dyn Dyne
Force lbf Pound force
Energy J Joule
Energy e Erg
Energy c "Thermodynamic calorie"
Energy cal IT calorie
Energy eV Electron volt
Energy HPh Horsepower-hour
Energy Wh Watt-hour
Energy flb Foot-pound
Energy BTU BTU
Magnetism T Tesla
Magnetism ga Gauss


Prefix Multiplier Abbreviation Prefix Multiplier Abbreviation
exa 1.00E+18 E deci 1.00E-01 d
peta 1.00E+15 P centi 1.00E-02 c
tera 1.00E+12 T milli 1.00E-03 m
giga 1.00E+09 G micro 1.00E-06 u
mega 1.00E+06 M nano 1.00E-09 n
kilo 1.00E+03 k pico 1.00E-12 p
hecto 1.00E+02 h femto 1.00E-15 f
deca 1.00E+01 da atto 1.00E-18 a
Day Month Year Date
25 12 99 12/25/99
25 12 99 25-Dec-99
33 12 99 January 2, 2000

What Does It Do?

This function creates a real date by using three normal numbers typed into separate cells.


=DATE(year, month, day)


The result will normally be displayed in the dd/mm/yy format.

By using the Format - Cells - Number - Date command, the format can be changed.

Number1 Number2 Delta
10 20 0
50 50 1
17.5 17.5 1
17.5 18 1
17.50% 0.175 1
Hello Hello #VALUE!
1 1

What Does It Do?

This function compares two values and tests whether they are exactly the same.

If the numbers are the same, the result will be 1, otherwise the result is 0.

It only works with numbers; text values produce a result of #VALUE.

The formatting of the number is not significant, so numbers which appear rounded due to the removal of decimal places will still match correctly with non-rounded values.


=DELTA(FirstNumber, SecondNumber)


No special formatting is needed.


The following table is used to determine how many pairs of similar numbers are in a list.

The =DELTA() function tests each pair, and then the =SUM() function totals them.

Number1 Number2 Delta
10 20 0
50 50 1
30 30 1
17.5 18 1
12 8 0
100 100 1
150 125 0
Total Pairs =SUM(E30:E36)

Example 1:

Jan Feb Mar
10 80 97
20 90 69
30 100 45
40 110 51
50 120 77

Type a month to look for: Feb

Which row needs to be picked out: 4

The result is: 100


Example 2:

Maker Spare Cost
Vauxhall Ignition £50
VW GearBox £600
Ford Engine £1,200
VW Steering £275
Ford Ignition £70
Ford CYHead £290
Vauxhall GearBox £500
Ford Engine £1,200


Example 3:

Unit Cost Table
Brick Wood Glass
£2 £1 £3
Discount Table
1 100 300
Brick 0% 6% 8%
Wood 0% 3% 5%
Glass 0% 12% 15%
Orders Table
Item Units Unit Cost Discount Total
Brick 100 £2 6% £188
Wood 200 £1 3% £194
Glass 150 £3 12% £396
Brick 225 £2 6% £423
Wood 50 £1 0% £50
Glass 500 £3 15% £1,275

Unit Cost: =HLOOKUP(C127,E111:G112,2,FALSE)

Discount: =HLOOKUP(D127,E115:G118,MATCH(C127,D116:D118,0)+1,TRUE)


What Does It Do?

This function tests a condition.

If the condition is met, it is considered to be TRUE.

If the condition is not met, it is considered as FALSE.

Depending upon the result, one of two actions will be carried out.


=IF(Condition, ActionIfTrue, ActionIfFalse)

The Condition is usually a test of two cells, such as A1=A2.

The ActionIfTrue and ActionIfFalse can be numbers, text, or calculations.


No special formatting is required.

Example 1

The following table shows the Sales figures and Targets for sales reps.

Each has their own target which they must reach.

The =IF() function is used to compare the Sales with the Target.

If the Sales are greater than or equal to the Target, the result of "Achieved" is shown.

If the Sales do not reach the target, the result of "Not Achieved" is shown.

Note that the text used in the =IF() function needs to be placed in double quotes, like "Achieved".

Name Sales Target Result
Alan 1000 5000 Not Achieved
Bob 6000 5000 Achieved
Carol 2000 4000 Not Achieved

Example 2

The following table is similar to Example 1.

This time the Commission to be paid to the sales rep is calculated.

If the Sales are greater than or equal to the Target, the Commission is 10% of Sales.

If the Sales do not reach the Target, the Commission is only 5% of Sales.

Name Sales Target Commission
Alan 1000 5000 50
Bob 6000 5000 600
Carol 2000 4000 100

Example 3

This example uses the =AND() function within the =IF() function.

A builders merchant gives a 10% discount on certain product lines.

The discount is only given on products that are on Special Offer when the Order Value is £1000 or above.

The =AND() function is used with the =IF() function to check that the product is on offer and that the value of the order is above £1000.

Special Product Offer Value Discount Total
Wood Yes £2,000 £200 £1,800
Glass No £2,000 £- £2,000
Cement Yes £500 £- £500
Turf Yes £3,000 £300 £2,700

=IF(AND(C61="Yes", D61>=1000), D61*10%, 0)


Holiday booking price list.

People Weeks 1 2 3 4
1 £500 1 £300 £250 £200
2 £400 £300 £250
3 £500 £350 £300

What Does It Do?

This function picks a value from a range of data by looking down a specified number of rows and then across a specified number of columns.

It can be used with a single block of data or non-continuous blocks.


Syntax 1

=INDEX(RangeToLookIn, Coordinate)

This is used when the RangeToLookIn is either a single column or row.

The Coordinate indicates how far down or across to look when picking the data from the range.



Type either 1, 2 or 3: 2
The colour is: Green

Syntax 2

=INDEX(RangeToLookIn, RowCoordinate, ColumnColumnCordinate)

This syntax is used when the range is made up of rows and columns.


Country Currency Population Capitol
England Sterling 50 M London
France Franc 40 M Paris
Germany DM 60 M Bonn
Spain Peseta 30 M Barcelona

Type 1, 2, 3, or 4 for the country: 2
Type 1, 2, or 3 for statistics: 3
The result is: Paris

Syntax 3

=INDEX(NamedRangeToLookIn, RowCoordinate, ColumnColumnCordinate, AreaToPickFrom)

Using this syntax, the range to look in can be made up of multiple areas.

The easiest way to refer to these areas is to select them and give them a single name.

The AreaToPickFrom indicates which of the multiple areas should be used.


NORTH Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4
Bricks £1,000 £2,000 £3,000 £4,000
Wood £5,000 £6,000 £7,000 £8,000
Glass £9,000 £10,000 £11,000 £12,000

SOUTH Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4
Bricks £1,500 £2,500 £3,500 £4,500
Wood £5,500 £6,500 £7,500 £8,500
Glass £9,500 £10,500 £11,500 £12,500

Type 1, 2, or 3 for the product: 1
Type 1, 2, 3, or 4 for the Qtr: 3
Type 1 for North or 2 for South: 2
The result is: 3500


This is an extended version of the previous example.

It allows the names of products and the quarters to be entered.

The =MATCH() function is used to find the row and column positions of the names entered.

These positions are then used by the =INDEX() function to look for the data.

EAST Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4
Bricks £1,000 £2,000 £3,000 £4,000
Wood £5,000 £6,000 £7,000 £8,000
Glass £9,000 £10,000 £11,000 £12,000

WEST Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4
Bricks £1,500 £2,500 £3,500 £4,500
Wood £5,500 £6,500 £7,500 £8,500
Glass £9,500 £10,500 £11,500 £12,500

Type 1, 2, or 3 for the product: wood
Type 1, 2, 3, or 4 for the Qtr: qtr2
Type 1 for North or 2 for South: west

The result is: 6500



Numbers "Least Common Multiple"
6 20 60 =LCM(C4,D4)
12 18 36 =LCM(C5,D5)
34 96 1632 =LCM(C6,D6)

What Does It Do?

This function calculates the Least Common Multiple, which is the smallest number that can be divided by each of the given numbers.


=LCM(Number1, Number2, Number3... through to Number29)


No special formatting is needed.

LOOKUP (Array)

Name Jan Feb Mar
Alan 10 80 97
Bob 20 90 69
Carol 30 100 45
David 40 110 51
Eric 50 120 77
Francis 60 130 28
Gail 70 140 73

Type a Name in this cell: Eric

The March value for this person is: 77 =LOOKUP(F12, D4:G10)

What Does It Do?

This function looks for a piece of information in a list and then picks an item from the last cell in the adjacent row or column. It selects the data from the end of the row or column, making it unsuitable for picking data from partway across a list (use VLOOKUP or HLOOKUP instead).


=LOOKUP(WhatToLookFor, RangeToLookIn)


No special formatting is needed.


The list of information to be looked through must be sorted in ascending order; otherwise, errors will occur, resulting in either #N/A or incorrect results.

Table 1 shows the Name column sorted alphabetically, and using =LOOKUP() will yield correct results.

Table 2 shows the same data but not sorted. Sometimes the results will be correct, but other times the result will be an #N/A error or an incorrect figure.

Table 1 Table 2
Name Jan Feb Mar Name Jan Feb Mar
Alan 10 80 97 David 40 110 51
Bob 20 90 69 Eric 50 120 77
Carol 30 100 45 Alan 10 80 97
David 40 110 51 Bob 20 90 69
Eric 50 120 77 Carol 30 100 45
Francis 60 130 28 Francis 60 130 28
Gail 70 140 73 Gail 70 140 73

Name: Eric

Value: 77

=LOOKUP(C88, B80:E86)

=LOOKUP(H88, G80:J86)


Names Values

Bob 250

Alan 600

David 1000

Carol 4000

Type a name to look for: Alan Type a value: 1000

The position of Alan is: 2 Value position: 3

=MATCH(E9, E4:E7, 0) =MATCH(I9, I4:I7, 1)

What Does It Do?

This function looks for an item in a list and shows its position.

It can be used with text and numbers.

It can look for an exact match or an approximate match.


=MATCH(WhatToLookFor, WhereToLook, TypeOfMatch)

The TypeOfMatch can be either 0, 1, or -1.

Using 0

This option looks for an exact match. If no match is found, the #NA error is shown.


Ascending Descending Wrong Value
10 40 10
20 30 20
30 20 30
40 10 40
20 20 25
2 3 #N/A

=MATCH(G45, G40:G43, 0)

Using 1

This option looks for an exact match or the next lowest number if no exact match exists.

If there is no match or next lowest number, the #NA error is shown.


Ascending Descending Wrong Value
10 40 10
20 30 20
30 20 30
40 10 40
20 20 25
2 #N/A 2

=MATCH(G62, G57:G60, 1)

Using -1

This option looks for an exact match or the next highest number if no exact match exists.

If there is no exact match or next highest number, the #NA error is shown.


Ascending Descending Wrong Value
10 40 40
20 30 30
30 20 20
40 10 10
20 20 25
#N/A 3 2

=MATCH(G79, G74:G77, -1)

Example 4

The tables below were used by a bus company taking bookings for bus tours.

They needed to allocate a bus with enough seats for all the passengers.

The list of bus sizes was entered in a list.

The number of passengers on the tour was then entered.

The =MATCH() function looks down the list to find the bus with enough seats.

If the number of passengers is not an exact match, the next biggest bus is picked.

After the =MATCH() function has found the bus, the =INDEX() function is used to look down the list again and pick out the actual bus size required.

Bus Size

Bus 1 54
Bus 2 50
Bus 3 22
Bus 4 15
Bus 5 6

Passengers on the tour: 23

Bus size needed: 50

=INDEX(D95:D99, MATCH(H94, D95:D99, -1), 0)

Example 5

The tables below were used by a school to calculate the exam grades for pupils.

The list of grade breakpoints was entered in a list.

The pupils' scores were entered in another list.

The pupils' scores are compared against the breakpoints.

If an exact match is not found, the next lowest breakpoint is used.

The =INDEX() function then looks down the Grade list to find the grade.

Exam Score Grade Pupil Score Grade
0 Fail Alan 60 Pass
50 Pass Bob 6 Fail
90 Merit Carol 97 Distinction
95 Distinction David 89 Pass

=INDEX(D111:D114, MATCH(G114, C111:C114, 1), 0)